Why aren't Sony Xperia phones more widely used?

I have owned a Sony Xperia L1 for a while now and I do not see why the Xperia brand has not become more mainstream. For £150 you get a good camera, decent specs and a 5.5 inch screen with USB-C charging. Why isn't there more coverage of the Sony flagship, the XZ premium? I haven't seen any of the tech Youtubers I watch even mention it. Is it just uninteresting, or not as good compared to Samsung and LG etc.

I am genuinely interested as an Android lover and user, why these phones have not sold as much as their competitors.

Submitted December 29, 2017 at 07:37PM by darwinthecat123 http://ift.tt/2BTquei http://ift.tt/eA8V8J


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