Is there literally 0 market for 16:9 and/or 4.7-5.2" displays anymore?

I'm looking at all these new phones come out, not just at MWC, but any time during the year. It's absolutely blowing me away how many are 6"+ screen phones, especially with 18+:9 aspect ratio.

Is there seriously 0 market for phones that can be easily used in one hand? I get that the super bezel-less 5.8" ~18:9 phones, like the S8, S9, and iPhone X, are reasonably easy to use one-handed, but surely at least 10% of the global population would prefer a smaller phone? The number of iPhone 6-8 and 5s-SE models I see just around where I live equates to at least a quarter of all phones; not to mention that most Androids are the S5-S8.

Does anyone have statistics on this, or feel like it's only happening because it's the latest trend? I know that the top ~10 OEMs wouldn't just release larger phones every year without extensively researching and making sure there's a good market for them, but it still seems surprising that there isn't enough desire at all for the 16:9 and/or ~5" display for anyone to consider it. Especially for those smaller OEMs that don't already have a huge market share and thus could appeal to the markets that Samsung and Apple are ignoring.

Submitted February 28, 2018 at 07:11AM by SponTen

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